Oscar and the Chocodiva

Online home for Oscar and the ChocoDiva or, to be precise, the online home for Morrigan's Cu mac Shimidh and Morrigan's Godiva.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

And Amara

Amara continues to grow. At 10 months, she's about 150 pounds and just about the same height as the Diva. Despite her size, she has no misconceptions about who is in charge--The Mama Goober aka The Diva aka Chocolate. But we attempted some photographs this morning before it got too hot...with my new camera that I really don't know how to work.

The above picture is really the only one worth showing. But as the sun sets this evening, I'll try again. Perhaps I'll recruit the neighbor to help hold her still--I have to do something, she is just a big bundle of energy! Here's another--she wants the ball Os has (just out of frame), but dare not take it from her brother.