A Special Boy

"I have sometimes thought of the final cause of dogs having such short lives and I am quite satisfied it is in compassion to the human race; for if we suffer so much in losing a dog after an acquaintance of ten or twelve years, what would it be if they were to live double that time?" ~ Sir Walter Scott
My mother lost her beloved Mathias Sunday evening. He was playing in her back yard with her CCI puppy in training and Zeus, her German Shepherd puppy. One of the dogs ran into Mathias, Mathias went down, seized and died. He was a vibrant, healthy dog and an integral part of my mother's life.
But Mathias was a special dog in more ways than even she knows. Mom started competing with Mathias in agility and other dog sports when he came home from CCI to be her dog. By then, I had Oscar and was starting to compete in conformation. Finally, my mother and I had something very much in common that we could talk about with ease--and usually be on the same wavelength. This was a really big deal in my life and I will always be grateful to Mathias for this special gift. So, thank you, Mathias, and many blessings on your journey.
I explained it to St. Peter,
I'd rather stay here
Outside the pearly gate.
I won't be a nuisance,
I won't even bark,
I'll be very patient and wait,
I'll be here, chewing on a celestial bone,
No matter how long you may be.
I'd miss you so much, if I went in alone,
It wouldn't be heaven for me.
~Unknown Author
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