Oscar and the Chocodiva

Online home for Oscar and the ChocoDiva or, to be precise, the online home for Morrigan's Cu mac Shimidh and Morrigan's Godiva.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Amara Update - 20 Day Old Photographs

Well, darling Amara turns 3 weeks old tomorrow, but since I'll be working instead of celebrating this milestone, here are some picks of the Diva Daughter one day shy of three weeks.

On another note, but no less exciting, Mirra won Winner's Bitch all three days of this weekend's shows in Atlanta. No points on Friday since she was the only girl, but more showed up on Saturday and Sunday and we did get some points, and Best of Winners! Yeah, Mirra! Mirra was handled by a professional handler for the first time, and I must say as a spectator, she sure did look pretty!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Amara's Two Week Birthday

The photo above is of Amara at 13 days. She's cuddling with a new toy on Jim's shirt. Jim's son James made fun of me for the toys, but you can see she is quite pleased with this one! Today, on her 2 week birth day, her weight was 3.0 even. She's doing great, with a big ol' fat belly.

Caroline, Lucah's Mama, says she looks a lot like her boy, which is a wonderful compliment. Jim said the same. I'm still the infatuated mother who thinks she looks perfect, so I try to refrain from comment. Most of the time.

Monday, August 11, 2008

We Have a New Generation....

...and her name is Amara.

Chocolate delivered two puppies by c-section - a brindle girl and a fawn boy. Unfortunately, the little boy has passed away. He was a dear, dear boy with a very soft nature compared to his sister.

He was dubbed the Roo Man from the moment of his birth and though he was here for only a few short days, he will be in my heart forever.

Now, the little girl was different from the outset, full of spit and vinegar. I will have to get some pictures in the upcoming weeks that show her spirit.