Sunday, May 06, 2007
Settling In
This last picture is pitiful, but its the only one I have so far of them all together. Chocolate's in the back, getting ready to find the perfect place to you-know-what, Oscar's looking between me and Ginni as if to say "Mom, what's she doing?" and Ginni has discovered a tree stump.
I had commented that Ginni seemed much more calm than her daddy, but I have learned in the last 24 hours that she was just settling in. She has all the gusto and enthusiasm of her Daddy. From the moment Oscar came home, he was fearless, into everything and always moving a mile a minute--Ginni is the same way.
I never saw Morrigan as a puppy, but I have it on good authority that Ginni is her spitting image, down to the little white spot on her belly. Awful big shoes to fill, but we shall try!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Ginni's Debut

This first picture is of "piglet" (as Catie called her) on the left and "Oscar Minor" on the right. The puppies are 8 weeks old.

She's darling, very sweet, like her father, but calm and patient, unlike her father.
I'm already excited about showing her in the fall. I know I should wait for her to mature more, but I'll be too excited and so I'm sure we'll be out in the puppy classes!